Staff, Roger & Gemmell, Howard & Venneri, A & Shanks, M & Pestell, S & Murray, Alison. (1999). rCBF SPET images of AD patients with an autobiographical content-specific delusion. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 26. 973-973.
Staff, Roger & F. Shanks, Michael & Macintosh, Laura & J. Pestell, Simon & Gemmell, Howard & Venneri, Annalena. (1999). Delusions in Alzheimer’s Disease: Spet Evidence of Right Hemispheric Dysfunction. Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior. 35. 549-60.
F. Shanks, Michael & Venneri, Annalena & J. Pestell, Simon. (2000). Evidence of discrete brain dysfunction underlying delusions of different content in Alzheimer’s disease. Neuroimage. 11. 10.1016
Staff, Roger & Venneri, A & Gemmell, Howard & F Shanks, M & J Pestell, S & Murray, Alison. (2000). HMPAO SPECT imaging of Alzheimer’s disease patients with similar content-specific autobiographic delusion: Comparison using statistical parametric mapping. Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. 41. 1451-5.
Pestell, Simon & F. Shanks, Michael & Warrington, Jill & Venneri, Annalena. (2000). Quality of Spelling Breakdown in Alzheimer?s Disease is Independent of Disease Progression. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. 22. 599-612.
Venneri, Annalena & F. Shanks, Michael & J. Pestell, Simon & Forbes-McKay, Katrina & Gemmell, Howard. (2001). Evaluating improvements in rCBF in patients with Alzheimer’s disease treated with rivastigmine using SPM. Neuroimage. 13. 1112-1112.
F. Shanks, Michael & J. Pestell, Simon & Venneri, Annalena & Taylor, Lynne & W. Porter, Roy. (2001). Anthropometric risk factors in Alzheimer’s disease. International journal of geriatric psychiatry. 16. 918-9
Venneri, Annalena & F Shanks, Michael & Staff, Roger & J Pestell, Simon & Forbes-McKay, Katrina & Gemmell, Howard & Murray, Alison. (2002). Cerebral blood flow and cognitive responses to rivastigmine treatment in Alzheimer’s disease. Neuroreport. 13. 83-7
Venneri, Annalena & J Pestell, Simon & Caffarra, Paolo. (2002). Independent representations for cursive and print style: Evidence from dysgraphia in Alzheimer’s disease. Cognitive neuropsychology. 19. 387-400
Venneri, Annalena & Pestell, Simon & Nichelli, Paolo. (2003). A preliminary study of the cognitive mechanisms supporting time estimation. Perceptual and motor skills. 96. 1093-106.
Jennings, Elaine Whipday, Kath Egdell, Simon Pestell and Paul Flaxman (2016). Meaningful Work, Counselling at Work Autumn 2016
Jennings, Flaxman, Egdell, Pestell, Whipday (2017). A resilience training programme to improve nurses’ mental health Nursing Times [online] October 2017 Vol 113 Issue 10
Pestell, Jennings, Markham, Featherstone, Richardson (2023). Mental health awareness training: Can it make a difference? BACP Workplace Journal October 23.
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